Sunday, August 30, 2009 @ 3:40 AM
Welcome back!!! This post will be about us working as a chef preparing the food for our daddies and mummies. (hope they like the food ><) Below will be the pictures that tr. Cindy had taken during the process of us preparing the food. Daddies and mummies must be curious what is the ingredients of the potato salad, there are potato, egg (which we cut on our own), tomatoes, cucumber and mayonnaise sauce!!
A group photo before we get started!!
Chef Rae and Chef Caleb: Hmm, how should we start??
Chef Rae and Chef Ceaden: Finally done cutting the potato, now scooping it into our little lunch box
Look, the chefs at work!!
Monday, August 24, 2009 @ 4:27 AM
Hi daddies and mummies, today we are going to show you how well we can paint! Maybe we can think about being a painter in the future, what do you think? We are sure you will have to agree with us that indeed we are talented in painting after you see the pictures that tr Cindy had taken!! =)
Below are our final product of using toothbrush to paint!!! (as they were painting their own hands with the toothbush, there were saying "itchy", "cold" , i am sure you can imagine how funny their expressions are when they say it!! )
Now below are the picture of the process, you can see how skilful we are in painting and we do think we can consider be a painter in future!! (what do you think??)
This is our painter Eunice concentring on painting (shh.. don't disturb her)
Three painters working in silence!!! (kai xuan, caeden, nathan)
Painter Noel and painter Chiong Teng working on their toothbush painting (look how serious they are, better don disturb them!!)
Now is us painting our hands (the paint is so cold on our hand!!! *itchy....*)
This is our second session of painting *STRING PAINTING*
Painting with string is fun yet so difficult!!!
How do i hold it before i can paint properly?
Ok, i guess just hold it at the tip as long as long as i can get the paint on my paper =)
All the painter in action!!!!
Solo picture to show how forcus we are in painting
Painter Rae
Painter Eunice
Painter Caeden
Painter Alyssa
Painter Noel
Painter Chiong Teng
Painter Keagan
Painter Kai Xuan
Painter Caleb
Daddies and Mummies, next week will be our "Chef" week, tr Cindy wil get us to prepare a dish!! Do come back next week to see us in action!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 @ 7:26 AM
Last week our theme was on occupation "postman", tr Cindy got daddies and mummies to do a card for our friends so that we can pretend to be "postman" or "postwomen" and deliver the cards to our friends. We also learnt a new song "in the mailbox", the lyrics are
in the mailbox, in the mailbox
look and see, look and see
a package and a post card
a letter from my grand mum
just for me, just for me
(sing to the tune: "Are you sleeping?"
Here are the pictures of the cards that daddies and mummies did with us for our friends
Post officer Caleb delivering the card to Xin yu
Post officer delivering the card to Chiong Teng
Post officer Rae delivering the card to Kai Xuan
Post officer delivering the letter to Eunice
Post officer Nathan delivering the card to Rae
Post officer Eunice delivering the card to Alyssa
Post officer delivering the card to Keagan
Post officer Kai Xuan delivering the card to Caeden
Post officer Chiong Teng delivering the card to Noel
Post officer Caeden delivering the card to Keagan
Finally we can pose with the wonderfully made card from our friends and their daddies, mummies. Look at the smile from our face and you will know how happy we are receiving the cards!!!
Noel with his beautiful card (aren't you jealous of me?)
Caleb with his awesome card (don't try to take mine card from me)
Chiong Teng with her fabulous card (I am lost for words)
Caeden with his beautiful card (I love.... my card!!!)
Alyssa with her wonderful card (love you eunice and your daddies and mummies for making this card for me)
Eunice with her fabulous card (thank you noel and your daddies, mummies for the card)
Keagan with his beautiful card (from my smile, you can see how much i love my card right?)
Xin yu with her wonderful card (this card is too wonderful)
Rae with her fabulous card (can't wait to bring the card home)
Lastly, a BIG THANK YOU to all daddies and mummies for the effort in doing up the card with us!! We are grateful for the hard work and we LOVE the card!! *a BIG KISS from us*